23blocks Support Services are subject to the following conditions:
- Local business hours may vary by locations or geography.
- 23blocks support response times vary by client impact classification (severity levels).
- 23blocks provides support exclusively for its Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings as outlined in the service and support agreement relevant to the product offering. This support encompasses issues directly related to the functionality and use of the 23blocks platform. It is important to note that any third-party solutions or products integrated with or supplied through the 23blocks platform, but not maintained by 23blocks, are expressly excluded from the 23blocks support services. For maintenance and support related to these third-party products, clients are required to engage directly with the respective third-party providers. 23blocks assumes no responsibility for the support, maintenance, or performance of third-party products or solutions.
- 23blocks may periodically change support service options to provide service efficiencies. We will make every effort to discuss those with you in advance, and such changes will only apply to new services after the change is announced.
- The 23blocks Warranty Maintenance and Support Terms within your current service plan, as well as other service contracts that you have with 23blocks, will include these terms. If there is any inconsistency between your existing terms and those outlined here, these terms will prevail. Please contact our technical staff if you wish to discuss.
Incidents reported by the customer during the support contract or warranty process, incident response times and compromise solution according to the following priorities assigned to each incident:

Table priority incident support policy - 23blocks
- Response time: time at which the analysis of an incident has begun, that time is not included in the solving period.
- Solving Time: time which a solution for the incident has been reached.
Users can contact the support staff through the website www.23blocks.com, or the channel determined in the service contract. These applications will be processed during business hours, generating an incident number that will allow the user to track progress through the website's technical assistance page directly. During the incident, the following notifications will be received: New, Assigned, Resolved, and closed.
Determining Support
- Once a request is received, we will respond either by phone, by email, or in person within 24 hours.
- Requests are handled during normal working hours, Monday through Friday.
- Chat support will be the mode of choice for most minor problems and difficulties. The support staff will conduct on-site support at the end user’s workstation where applicable.
- 23blocks will utilize remote control tools when appropriate to provide quick problem resolution (the user's permission is required for remote control access).
- The requestor will be notified via email when the request is considered complete. If the requestor indicates that problems still exist or that additional assistance is needed in this matter, the 23blocks will continue working on the problem until both parties are satisfied. If new, unrelated problems have occurred, the user should submit a new request.
This policy listed is subject to change without notice.