User registration, User Login, User Profiles, User Avatars, User Subscriptions, User devices. Everything users related can be manage with Gateway block.
Our OnCloud Devise multi tenant implementation makes easier to create and manage your users for web apps or mobile apps.
Integrations with Facebook, Google or Apple for User Authentication.
Captcha Integrations.
This block is business oriented, we weren't trying to solve the how to authenticate users question, we are solving why do you need users in the first place and what information is relevant for your app.
If needed, You can expand our data models using JSON payloads for user profiles.

Build real-time two-way communication applications, such as chat apps and streaming dashboards, with WebSocket APIs. API Gateway maintains a persistent connection to handle message transfer between your backend service and your clients.23blocks CONNECTOR
Flow controlled, message-oriented communication glues blocks together.1. Block A, publish to Exchange* on object events.
2. Block B subscribed to Queue*, Process Message
3. Multiple queues listening to Exchange
*Queues and Exchanges are Asyn, json based, token secure based And guaranty message delivery.
Check our benefits

Run multiple versions of the same API simultaneously with API Gateway, allowing you to quickly iterate, test, and release new versions. You pay for calls made to your APIs and data transfer out and there are no minimum fees or upfront commitments.

API Gateway provides a tiered pricing model for API requests. With an API Requests price as low as $0.90 per million requests at the highest tier, you can decrease your costs as your API usage increases per region across your AWS accounts.

Provide end users with the lowest possible latency for API requests and responses. Throttle traffic and authorize API calls to ensure that backend operations withstand traffic spikes and backend systems are not unnecessarily called.

Monitor performance metrics and information on API calls, data latency, and error rates from the API Gateway dashboard, which allows you to visually monitor calls.

Authorize access to your APIs with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).
If you use OAuth tokens, API Gateway offers native OIDC and OAuth2 support.

Create RESTful APIs using REST APIs.
REST APIs are the best way if your use case requires API proxy functionality and management features in a single solution.
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With 23blocks you save thousands of hours of development, your projects time to market accelerates 10x and you use your budget where better innovation is created.
Every app needs a users system, registration, login, remember password